Pass It On – Hunting with Youth – Part 2

Pass It On – Hunting with Youth – Part 2

It is no secret that everyone here at Elk 101 is passionate about Elk, Elk Hunting, and Elk Conservation.  Our extreme passion has led us on some great adventures that have produced unforgettable memories – memories that will stay etched in our memory banks until the day we leave this earth.  Many of those memories are from the times we have shared and spent with our younger generation in the elk woods.

Getting kids into the woods is the easy part; making sure they enjoy their time in the woods can often be a difficult task.  It is our job as parents, mentors, sportsman, and conservationists to assure that every minute in the field is enjoyable for our younger generation.  Whether it is from holding hands walking down a skid road, kicking back for a quick nap, or having them throw out a locator bugle – you must make it enjoyable and educational for our younger generation to develop a passion for the outdoors.  A child’s brain is a sponge and it is these early years in the woods that will mold their outdoor knowledge and passion.

Our goal is to teach our children what we were taught, and more.  Doing so takes time and patience.  When they can’t sit still any longer, it’s time to move. If they step on a branch and it snaps, smile and shrug your shoulders.  If you find some fresh urine puddles, stop and have them smell it.  Trust me when I say have a camera ready – the facial expressions are priceless.  If you notice they are looking a little tired or hungry, stop and kick back for a while.  When you find a shed or a rub, educate them!   Most importantly, KEEP IT FUN!!!!  Keeping it fun will lead to their own success when they are old enough and the time is right.

Passing on our knowledge and passion to our children is a very important part of our Elk hunting lifestyles.  By passing on that passion we can only hope they develop the same (or greater) passion for the mighty Wapiti as we have, and someday “Pass it on” to their children.