September 8, 2010 (Scouting)

I arrived about midnight last night at the place I wanted to scout out first after earlier scouting forays this summer showed many rubs.  After a short night of sleep in my truck I was up on the highest ridge I could find and was pleasantly surprised to hear the bulls being rather vocal considering it was only September 8th.  I decided to sneak in a bit closer to get a quick peek at the biggest sounding bull.  I hadn’t gone 200 yards down the hill when I saw tan hide amongst the green pine.  It was a great looking chocolate horned bull that I figured was pushing 350”!  Had him at 60 yards.  Five minutes after he was out of sight another bugle behind him brought a 330″ bull coming down the same trail.  I back-tracked out of there knowing I was in the right area and immediately set up camp in that area. Season opens in 2 days (September 10th)!

Base camp for the next 2 weeks

Base camp for the next 2 weeks

 Check back tomorrow for another update!